We provide high quality photography & other marketing services for businesses and individuals
Yesterday I spent the day with Tim covering the annual Scramble for Sam golf event. This is my third year covering the event. It is an annual golf fundraiser that the Kazos family hosts each year in honor of their son Samuel, who passed away soon after he was born. While I can’t even imageRead More…
COVID has of course put a damper on almost everyone’s lives this past year! One of the biggest things to having a baby now post COVID is that visitors are limited to one person per family. Also families are in and out of the hospital quicker than pre COVID. This past March I was contactedRead More…
This is my 4th year being the photographer for the Siouxland Youth Athletic program. I first started with taking both fall and spring volleyball team photos and softball. My last season taking the team photos for volleyball was Spring 2019, because SYA partnered with the Arena. I was also taking over the program from anotherRead More…
I have been very fortunate to be the official photographer for Dancing with Celeste recital for the past 4 years. All 3 of my daughters dance with this dance studio, so I have been unofficially photographing my daughter’s recitals for the past 8 years. This year’s recital was a quite different experience because of COVID-19,Read More…